Constitution (revised and updated 26.11.21)
- The name of the group shall be the Irish Nurses’ Cardiovascular Association (INCA)
- The Association will promote the advancement of knowledge, research and dissemination of information concerning cardiovascular disease and management and aim to raise the nursing profile in that area.
- Membership will be open to all Registered General Nurses and nursing students who work in, or have an interest in primary or secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Non-voting associate membership is open to other aligned disciplines, including healthcare professionals or academics working in the area cardiovascular disease. With consensus of the committee, healthcare /academic personnel working within the area of cardiovascular disease may become committee members.
- Members will pay an annual subscription. The annual membership fee amount can be changed by majority vote at an annual business meeting. The annual fee will cover admission to all INCA Meetings for the registered year.
- Membership will cease upon failure to pay the annual subscription within the renewal period.
- At least one meeting shall be convened in each calendar year, at which a business meeting shall also be held.
- A Committee of 13 persons shall be elected at the annual general meeting This Committee will then elect the office bearers comprising President, Vice President, General Secretary, Scientific Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer/s, Website and Social Media Managers/Moderators.
- The President shall not be eligible for immediate re-election as President or Vice President. It is proposed that no more than 4 office bearers change in any given year. Committee members must assume an office bearer role after 2 years as a committee member or resign from the committee.
- Ex-Officers are expected to remain on the committee for one year.
- Nominations for election to the committee shall be supported by at least 2 INCA members.
- Members of the committee who retire before the end of their term of office may be replaced by co-option at the discretion of the remaining members of the committee.
- Five members of the committee shall constitute a quorum.
- An electronic vote may be held on any relevant issue at the discretion of the committee.
- Changes to the constitution must be proposed in writing to the Secretary at least one month before the annual business meeting. For an amendment to be adopted it must be passed by a majority of the quorum.
- The group may be dissolved by a resolution passed by a 2/3 (66%) majority of those present and voting at a special general meeting convened for the purpose of which 21 days notice has been given to members. Such resolution may be given instructions for the disposal of any assets held by, or in the name of the group, provided that if any property remains after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, such property shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the group, but shall be given or transferred to such other charitable institution.
- Committee members must attend at least 50% of committee meetings annually. If not, they can be automatically removed from the committee.
- Committee members will be members of ACNAP (ESC Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professionals)
- The committee will follow recommended guidelines in relation to best practice in managing INCA finances.
- All personal data of members, presenters, event delegates and colleagues shall be processed in a fair, transparent and secure way and in compliance with GDPR. A privacy impact statement will be available on the website.