Trinity College, Dublin
Norma Caples and Edel Cronin with Poster representing University Hospital Waterford
EuroHeartCare Dublin 2018 Irish Heart Foundation CPR Workshop
Congratulations to Aisling Kelly,University Hospital Waterford winning the AED!!!
EuroHeartCare Dublin 2018 Opening Reception
The hugely talented Irish Dancers from The Sherry Murphy Academy made the night!
EuroHeartCare Dublin 2018 Opening Reception
INCA Committee members past and present with Professor Mary McCarron, Dean of Health Sciences, Trinity College, Dublin
Avril Lowry, Bernie Hannon, Emer Lodge and Maria Hayes at the INCA Stand
Delegates from St James’s Hospital, Dublin enjoying the conference
Poster Area and Moderated Poster Presentation
Shirely Ingram and colleagues from AMNCH with poster
INCA Poster: ‘Nurses barriers to the use of cardiovascular guidelines in practice’
Committee members Gabrielle McKee, Shirley Ingram, Norma Caples and Ciara Rice presenting
A huge thank you to Mr Micheal Lyster for sharing his patient experience with us all